Learn About Loss of Use Coverage

Loss of use coverage is a standard part of a home insurance policy. This type of coverage will reimburse you for expenses you incur while you are unable to reside in your home.

Loss of Use Coverage

This insurance component can benefit anyone who is suddenly displaced. A fire, a burglary, a windstorm, or another event that makes a home uninhabitable could require you to find alternate living quarters temporarily. Loss of use coverage offers the flexibility to select temporary housing that is suitable and accommodating.

Temporary Housing

  • Space within a friend or family’s home
  • Trailer set up on residential property
  • Motel or hotel room

If your home becomes uninhabitable, you may choose one of the above places for temporary housing. Your loss of use coverage will reimburse you for the cost of the temporary housing. It is important to keep track of the cost of a temporary housing arrangement. 

Food and Other Expenses

If you cannot stay home, you may need to replace food, toiletries, and other items that you cannot bring from your home. The replacement items may be covered by your home insurance policy’s loss of use coverage. Review your home insurance policy for a full list of all the items that are covered.

Travel Essentials

Loss of use coverage may also cover gas, transportation, and other travel essentials. If you are temporarily staying out of town, keep track of all the travel essentials that you are responsible for.

Contact Slaughter Insurance Agency

Contact a representative of Slaughter Insurance Agency to learn more about loss of use coverage. One of our agents, who serves Quinlan, TX, will outline your home insurance coverage.